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life saver 1. 救命的人。2.〔美國〕救生員。3.〔俚語〕應急的東...

life saving

Some adminstrators consider this tool a life saver ! . the program makes registry editing as easy as possible . it quickly scans all your local hard disks and tries to locate installed operating systems , together with their registry files 這個工具可謂是救命藥,很多管理員應該知道在注冊表上更改一個值可花上數小時的工作時間,而通過這個工具,讓更改注冊表都變得輕松,簡單,節省您的寶貴時間

Swimmers may receive assistance from life savers or safety personnel without disqualification or penalty provided the athlete s competitive position is not improved by such assistance 運動員可以接受大會安全隊或拯救隊的協助而不會受到被取消資格或被罰,但所接受的協助不能有助運動員之成績。

In tavefar v life savers the applicant ' s mark was doopa , the opponent ' s mark was zooper dooper and the opposition on the ground of proprietorship failed 只有申請人和異議人在訴求完全一樣或幾乎完全一樣的標記時,才會有標記所有權的問題,但本案不屬此類.兩個標記在本質上不一樣

While blood transfusions are critically important , and banked blood can be a life saver , there are times when it can make things worse 盡管輸血是非常重要的,庫存血能夠挽救生命,但有些時候他可能使事情更糟。

Hey , lay off my girl ! heh - heh . - it ' s good to be sweet ! life savers 嘿,擺平了我的女孩!嘿嘿。 -嘴甜是好的!大救星

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